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Golfzon | PGA Trade Show Orlando FL

Golfzon is a company that offers cutting-edge golf simulator technology, and they were exhibiting at the PGA Golf Trade Show at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Golfzon Custom Booth Fabrication & Video Production PGA Trade Show Orange County Convention Center Orlando Florida

To make the most of their booth space, Golfzon enlisted the help of MetaT3ch. Here's a look at how the video team and fabrication teams worked together to create an impressive booth experience for Golfzon.

One of the key features of the booth was a golf simulator area utilizing video projection equipment, where visitors could try out Golfzon's technology for themselves. The booth fabrication team embedded the simulator and created a comfortable seating area for visitors to use while playing. In addition to the golf simulator area, the booth also featured a meeting area where Golfzon representatives could meet with potential clients. The meeting area was designed to be comfortable and inviting, with seating and tables provided.

The video technology team worked closely with Golfzon to create a video that showcased the company's products and services. The video featured shots of the golf simulator technology in action, as well as interviews with Golfzon representatives. The team also created graphics and animations to make the video more engaging.

MetaT3ch Golfzon PGA Trade Show LED Video Screen Build Booth Fabrication

To ensure that the video would be shown in the best possible way, the team set up a video wall that spanned the width of the booth on the main isle of the PGA show. This created a large, immersive experience for visitors to the booth.

MetaT3ch Golfzon PGA Trade Show LED Video Screen Isle Booth Fabrication

The booth fabrication team created a custom booth for Golfzon that showcased their products in an attractive and professional way. The booth featured large, high-quality graphics that highlighted Golfzon's products and services. The team also installed shelving and display cases to showcase Golfzon's products.

MetaT3ch Golfzon PGA Trade Show LED Video Screen Booth Fabrication

By working with a video event production team and a booth fabrication company, Golfzon was able to create an impressive booth experience for visitors to the PGA Golf Trade Show. The combination of a custom booth, meeting rooms, video wall, and golf simulator area created an immersive experience that showcased Golfzon's products and services in a professional and engaging way. If you're exhibiting at a trade show, consider working with MetaT3ch to create a memorable booth experience for your visitors. Contact us today.

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